This week it gets hot as we square off on the final destiny of the unsaved. Is Hell a place of eternal torment and punishment or are the lost completely destroyed in the flames of Hell? Finding Christ in Cinema’s very own, Michael T Hansen guest hosts as we discuss the contrasting opinions on the nature of Hell.
What is the nature Hell?
There are four major views of the eternal punishment of the unsaved:
1) The Traditionalist – Hell is a place where the unsaved are in eternal torment, day and night, for ever and ever.
2) The Conditionalists – Hell is a place where the unsaved are tormented an indeterminate amount of time until they are destroyed completely.
3) The Annihilationists – Hell is a metaphoric construct for utter annihilation. The unsaved are simply destroyed immediately.
4) The Universalists – Hell is a place where the unsaved are tormented an indeterminate amount of time until they are corrected for their sins. Eventually everyone who ever lived will be saved.
David and Michael will square off on positions of a traditionalist and a conditionalist respectively to talk about the two views. The other two… well we think those guys are crazy so we’ll mostly ignore their arguments.
1. Destruction and perishing
a) Conditionalists – John 3:16, Matthew 10:28 point to utter destruction.
b) Traditionalists – Revelation 17:8 vs Revelation 19:10,20:10. Destruction is used for the beast who is then tormented forever. Hence it can be a figure of speech for eternal torment.
2. The fire and the worm (Mark 9:48)
a) Conditionalists – Consumption is the point; not infliction of pain. The worm and fire are undying but not the people.
b) Traditionalists – “undying” and “unquenchable” are descriptive terms used for a reason.
3. Eternal punishment and “the age to come.” (Matthew 25:41-46)
aionios kolasis = “Everlasting Punishment” or “Period of Punishment” or “Period of Correction”?
a) Traditionalists – Jesus’ parallel between the two destinies are both “eternal”. To treat one as a lesser term than the other is inconsistent.
b) Conditionalists – Eternal could be rendered qualitatively rather than quantitatively; eternal being reflective of the quality of the existence (or lack thereof).
4. The rich man and Lazarus. (Luke 16:19-31)
a) This is an intermediate state being described and not eternal.
b) This is also Jesus using the Jewish vernacular of THEIR concepts of the afterlife to make a point. It doesn’t oppose or support either stance.
5. Sulfur, smoke, and the “second death.” (Revelation 14:10-11)
a) Traditionalists – Smoke of torment rises for ever. No rest day or night.
b) Conditionalists – The rising smoke is a trace of the destruction wrought by the consuming fire
Philosophies and Emotional Motivations
God’s Love vs God’s Justice – How could God’s love and justice possibly be made known in the everlasting conscious torment of human beings? Or should we be so bold as to ask what is just before God?
The joys of the saved in heaven would be diminished by their knowledge of the never-ending suffering of the lost in hell. But then again, can we even know the extremity of such an existence with God? It should vastly out weigh such knowledge of the lost.
Does Annihilation equate to the doctrine of the Atheist on his afterlife?
Tune in to hear us banter these positions but then study to make your own conclusions on the matter.